Indian Army participates in Chinese national day at Nathu La

Team India Sentinels Monday 1st of October 2018 06:29 AM

In efforts to boost trust and promote peace in the region, an Indian Army delegation on Monday participated in the 69th national day of China at Nathu La in East Sikkim. “On invitation from People’s Liberation Army of China, a Military Delegation of Indian Army took part in the 69th National Day of China at Natu La,” Indian Army spokesperson Col Aman Anand said. The People’s Liberation Army troops interacted with the visiting Indian Delegation and presented a cultural programme to celebrate the occasion.  The Indian Army also reciprocated with traditional cultural events to mark the occasion, he said. On Sunday, a Major General level Flag Meeting between both armies was also held at the Natu La Border Outpost. The Indian Army Delegation was led by Black Cat Division GoC Major General NS Raja Subramani while Chinese was by Sr Col La Wang. A range of issues pertaining to further improving the mutual trust, confidence and bonhomie between border troops were discussed in a very cordial and friendly environment, Col Anand added. Situated at 4,310 metres above sea level, Nathu La — a mountain pass in the Himalayas in East Sikkim district — connects the Indian state of Sikkim with Tibet.


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