Tejas MK1A takes maiden flight at HAL facility in Bengaluru

Team India Sentinels Thursday 28th of March 2024 06:13 PM

New Delhi: India’s most advanced home-produced fighter jet, the light combat aircraft Tejas Mk1A, took to the skies for the first time at a Hindustan Aeronautics Limited facility in Bengaluru, on Thursday. HAL said the aircraft successfully completed its test objectives with a flying time of 18 minutes. HAL’s chief test pilot (fixed-wing aircraft) Group Captain KK Venugopal (retired) flew the fighter.

On this, the HAL chief, CB Ananthakrishnan, said, “HAL achieved this significant production milestone with concurrent design and development amid major supply-chain challenges in the global geopolitical environment, subsequent to the contract signature in February 2021.”

The Tejas Mk1A, boasting a new, powerful radar and improved avionics, promises to be a game changer. It would significantly bolster the Indian Air Force’s capabilities, offering a potent blend of manoeuvrability, firepower, and cutting-edge technology.

The IAF already has two Tejas squadrons – “Flying Daggers” and “Flying Bullets”. However, the MK1A is a much-advanced version of what is in operation with the service now.

HAL said it will start the delivery of 83 Tejas-Mk1A that the IAF ordered soon.

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