Know in details about the decommissioned Indian Coast Guard Ship Samar

Team India Sentinels Sunday 5th of November 2023 10:18 AM

New Delhi: As the sun disappeared over the horizon on Saturday, Indian Coast Guard Ship Samar was decommissioned with full honours in a traditional armed force ceremony held at Coast Guard Jetty in Kochi.

The Chief Guest of the ceremony was Additional Director General S Paramesh, PTM, TM in presence of Guest of Honour DG Dr P Paleri, PTM, TM (Retd).

The occasion was graced by dignitaries and personalities from different walks of life, besides previous Commanding Officers and crew of the vessels.

Know about ICGS Samar in details:—

ICGS Samar was commissioned on into the force on February 14, 1996 at Goa by the then Prime Minister of India PV Narashimha Rao and was based at Mumbai under the operational command of Commander Coast Guard Region (West).

Further, she was rebased at Kochi in 2009.

Samar meaning “Battle” is a projection of Indian Coast Guard’s will and commitment “to strive and protect” the maritime interests of the nation.

Built indigenously by Goa Shipyard Ltd, the ship boasts of the unique distinction of being the first in numerous aspects, the foremost being - indigenously constructed vessel of The Indian Coast Guard with a gross displacement of more than 1800 gross tonnage, a triumph for the Indian shipbuilding industry.

This was also at a nascent stage of indicating India’s industrial might and Atmanirbharta, which has grown in leaps and bounds in recent past to enviable heights with vast reach and vibrant diversity.

Samar is 102 meters long and propelled by 6200 KW twin diesel engines to a maximum speed of 21 knots.

During the illustrious lifespan, the ship remained underway for around 54000 Hrs at sea, covering more than 568700 miles.

During the ceremony, an impressive Guard was paraded and with sunset the Coast Guard Ensign was hauled down onboard the ship for the last time.

Soon after, 'Paying off Pennant' which is equal to the length of the ship was lowered, as a symbolic representation of decommissioning.

The ship has been flying the National Flag and Coast Guard Ensign with great pride and honour during her illustrious career spanning over 27 years of commission.

ICGS Samar was first of its series, which was earlier known as Advanced Offshore Patrol Vessel (AOPV).

The previous Commanding Officers along with number of officers and sailors who had served on board were present at the venue to bid a befitting farewell to the ship.

As a culmination, The Commanding Officer of the ship DIG R Ramesh, TM made final decommissioning report to Additional Director General S Paramesh, PTM, TM.

The Additional Director General S Paramesh, PTM, TM, while addressing the crew and esteemed guests present in the ceremony, highlighted the contributions made by this vessel in Anti-Poaching, Anti-smuggling, Search and Rescue, MEDEVAC and joint operations and commended the ship and all her crew for the Yeoman service they have put in for last almost three decades for the nation and the maritime world.


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